Desde Gayola is a Mexican sketch comedy television series broadcast on the music videos network Telehit from 2001 to 2006. The show started out as a one-sketch for the channel, and turned into the most successful show on the network. His creator, Horacio Villalobos, wrote, hosted and acted in the show.
The program followed a formar similar to the famous American show Saturday Night Live with each episode approximately 25 minutes in length and containing an average of five sketches per episode.
Unlike many other comedy shows in Mexico, Desde Gayola criticized the reality on the Mexican society, abording themes like politics, religion, sexuality, show-business and others, with acid and brutally critical sketches. For its style, the show received excellent reception from the liberal viewing public and criticism from conservatives.
The program included several transgender actors, who interpret female characters, such as Alejandra Bogue (La Tesorito), Daniel Vives (Supermana) or Javier Yepez (Mama Mela). Bogue and Vives are the ones that are identified themselves as transgenders.
Some of the characters included Manigüis, a stereotypical gay male who deals in the city, Supermana, a transgender superheroine that deals with women's problems, La Tesorito, a parody of TV-host and actress Laura León, and Marta Según, a spoof of the former first lady of Mexico: Marta Sahagún.
The show branched out a series of plays that toured many cites in Mexico and Guatemala, in a Cabaret format of the television series. The most recent play, Había una vez... Desde Gayola makes a satire of fairy-tales, adding the irreverence of the television show.
The main theme of the show is Dulce Amor, sung by Ana Martín in a video footage from the opening scene of her telenovela Gabriel y Gabriela.
Recently, Villalobos made a spin-off play called Telebasura, in which is only him, Mama Mela (Javier Yepez) and Manigüis (Carlos Rangel), and its a satire of the actual television in Mexico. In August 2008, Villalobos and company returned in TV, but in MVS 52MX, in a show called Nocturninos.